OCT 25, 2022  (12H35)      JAMES SMITH
Amou Haji, dubbed the world's dirtiest man, died aged 94 after taking his first shower in decades.

As well as not cleaning for more than half a century, he also smoked animal faeces from a pipe and believed fresh fruit would make him ill. Instead, he opted to eat rotting porcupine and he would only drink water from an oil can lined with rust.

Local villagers recently took him to a bathroom to wash. They also built him an open shack to live in after finding him sleeping in a hole.

The man died just months later. The Iranian state news agency IRNA confirmed he passed away on Sunday in the village of Dejgah in the south of the country, where he had lived most his life.

He's not the only man who has claimed to not wash for years, as an Indian man named Kailash Singh said he had not showered for 39 years, still 21 years behind Amou.

His story will live on in the short documentary made in 2013 called "The strange life of Amou Haji". In the documentary, he claims that due to emotional damage he suffered as a child, he decided to live dirty and and spend his time in isolation.

Source: The Mirror