Photo credit: Metro.
DEC 12, 2022  (8:39)
Solar Panel obsessed Pigeons reign of terror


Neighbours Jane Rice and Janet Holland complain that their lives are being ruined due solar panel obsessed pigeons nesting on their homes. It is thought that the pigeons are attracted to the panels for the warmth they can provide.

The women are concerned about potential health problems caused by bird droppings.

Janet has commented
"I couldn't have any of my windows open all summer because the faeces were just dropping constantly. The stench is horrible. I think they need spikes on the roof to stop this. I pay lots of money to rent this property. It is not good enough."

Whilst Jane, 48, has said:
"During Covid they brought in the solar panels and in turn pigeons are coming – hundreds of them. The pigeons are nesting underneath the solar panels. There's more pigeons here than the River Gardens. My guttering has been broken (by the pigeons) and when it rains it is causing a drip, drip, drip on my windows and my front pathway. This is causing noise and mould issues. I've had to move bedrooms because I can't sleep. It's getting worse. All I want is for them to put some mesh around the panels to stop the pigeons coming and mend my guttering but they still haven't done anything."

A spokesman for Places for People who own and rent the properties to the women has responded:
"We have been – and are – working with everyone on this street, including residents who are not our customers, for both ongoing maintenance and to deliver a long-term solution. For example, earlier this year we erected netting in an attempt to stop the birds nesting and we're currently exploring looking at further options that work for all involved.

We are committed to helping our customers during the cost of living crisis with things like their energy bills; we're also committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our communities so investing in solar panels is a good thing for now and for the future. We're sure that we will be able to resolve this inconvenience and obviously we're sorry that it has caused disturbance to some customers.

Source: Metro