Jim Budd, the father of an eco-warrior who poured human excrement over a Captain Sir Tom Moore memorial said he was "deeply ashamed" over her "desecrating his memory".

His daughter Maddie, 21, had "gone rogue" after dropping out of medical school to become a full-time eco-warrior.

Mr Budd said he and his charity worker wife Harriet can't get any answer from Maddie after trying to contact her:

"The shock of this is hurting people and upsetting them.

I'm ashamed of her and what she has done. There has been a big public reaction for obvious reasons. I don't think she understands what the hell she was unleashing.

She's done something horrible without thinking of the consequences.

I felt sick with shock when I saw it - I have sent her a text message but she has not replied.

It goes against all the things you install in your children - it is not normal behaviour. I'm extremely sad. The fact is she has sort of gone rogue."

The stunt was carried out for a group called "End UK Private Jets". The Derbyshire Police is now investigating.

Maddie had been at medical school in Manchester until recently, but she dropped out to devote her time to protesting over climate change.

Mr Budd added:

"I can't really apologise on her behalf. Sir Tom was clearly a national hero and the country resonated with his fantastic and amazing actions.

We are trying to sort to out but if the police get involved then so be it.

However shocking the future of climate change predictions are, I don't think it was her duty to desecrate his memory in the way she has.

Her motivations are very real but misplaced. The fact is she has gone rogue, so to speak.

When people are young and vulnerable they can go down roads they would not do later in life. It is a horrible thing to have happened and people are obviously upset.

It is very hard to understand how young people can feel so threatened by climate change that they can carry out such extreme actions.

But I'm not making excuses for her. She has made a terrible mistake. We were horrified, it's an ongoing worry."

Mr Budd thinks that Maddie should work in a legitimate climate change action group instead. He said:

"Young people do feel desperate and my daughter feels more desperate than most. Her actions were ill judged and awful - this is horrible for any parent to go through.

My wife is really upset. 'My daughter has given up her career to become a full-time protestor because she feels that strongly. So there's quite a long lead up to this.

Her intentions were to draw attention to this crisis when seemingly no one else does.

But this particular action is counter-productive and has done nothing but upset a lot of people. I'm ashamed of her and what she has done."

Video of the stunt has been passed to Derbyshire Police by the company who made the memorial, AGC Fabrications. Its managing director, Austin Cox, confirmed:

"We are working with the police, we have got a crime reference number.

We are pursuing it and hoping they will prosecute. I can't really say more than that at the moment."

Back in 2020, Sir Captain Tom Moore hoped to raise £1,000 for the NHS, but ended up capturing the hearts of the nation. His pledge to do 100 laps around his garden even lead him to knighthood.

Ms Budd filmed herself pouring the canister of faeces and urine over the memorial. In a strange justification, she later filed a video declaring:

"People are going to say that he's a hero, people are going to say that this is profoundly, obscenely disrespectful to his life, and to the NHS he stood up for and I agree.

I was studying to become a doctor because I believe in taking care of people. If we believe that the NHS is important, if we believe in taking care of each other, if we believe that NHS workers are doing essential work, why are forcing our healthcare system into collapse, why are we forcing our civilisation into collapse, why is basically no-one taking this genocide of all humanity seriously?

All of this is true and the Government won't even end UK private jets, every time one takes off, it pours a bucket of sh** and blood onto everything that Captain Tom stood for.

Ms Budd's act of vandalism against the beloved captain, who was awarded a flypast by the RAF and British Army on his 100th birthday and was even knighted by the Queen, has prompted predictable outrage from the public.